
09012022_ West Nile Virus in Black Hawk County

Press Releases




Contact:Black Hawk County Health Department




Increase in West Nile Virus in Black Hawk County  


Ongoing mosquito surveillance efforts indicate that Black Hawk County is currently experiencing increased levels of West Nile Virus within the adult mosquito population, raising the potential for human cases. This time of year is the peak season for West Nile Virus transmission and Environmental Health officers expect further samples to test positive.


West Nile Virus is most commonly spread to people by the bite of an infected mosquito. According to the CDC, 1 in 5 people will develop symptoms that may include: Fever, Headache, Body Aches, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Fatigue, Skin rash. There is no vaccine or treatment for West Nile Virus.

It is important to remain diligent when it comes to protecting yourself, your family, and the community by wearing insect repellent and protective clothing during outdoor activities and take the necessary steps to prevent mosquito from harboring around their homes.


Residents should look for potential mosquito breeding reservoirs around the home and take the following preventative steps:

·       Remove or turn over containers, buckets, wheelbarrows, etc. that may accumulate water.

·       Dispose of any used tires to prevent water accumulation.

·       Change water in birdbaths, wading pools etc. at least once a week.

·       Clean rain gutters and downspouts to prevent standing water.

·       Cover rain barrels and unchlorinated pools to prevent mosquito access.


Black Hawk County Public Health exists to ensure that people in our community have equitable opportunities and resources to lead healthier, more fulfilling, and longer lives. Established in 1969, the health department's mission is to protect people in our community from health hazards, promote healthy behaviors, and prevent disease. For more information about health department services visit the Black Hawk County Public Health website.
